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Showing posts from March, 2015

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Wireless Hacking : How To Hack WPS Wi-Fi Netwoks

Use Terminal as Alarm Clock

So it's a simple trick which helps you to set an alarm using terminal/konsole/prompt or whatever you like calling it. The command is : sleep 6h && audacious xxyyzz.mp3 You can change 6h with 6s (6 seconds), 6m (6 minutes), 6h (6 hours) or 6d (6 days). You can even combine it like : 6h 30m which means 6 hours and 30 minutes.

How To Delete Linux If You Have Dual-booting with Windows

If you have Windows and Linux both installed on your system and you want to uninstall Linux, go ahead! Procedure: Linux' bootloader called GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader) replaces Windows' default bootloader. You have to delete the partition in which Linux is installed and fix the MBR of WIndows using a system repair disk (recovery disk).