So it's a simple trick which helps you to set an alarm using terminal/konsole/prompt or whatever you like calling it.
The command is :
sleep 6h && audacious xxyyzz.mp3
You can change 6h with 6s (6 seconds), 6m (6 minutes), 6h (6 hours) or 6d (6 days).
You can even combine it like :
6h 30m
which means 6 hours and 30 minutes.
You can even combine it like :
6h 30m
which means 6 hours and 30 minutes.
You can replace 'audacious' with your favorite music player. I use audacious as my default music player.
xxyyzz.mp3 is the name of your media file which you want to use as your alarm tone. You can even enter the path to the file like:
'&&' means that first the sleep command will be executed followed by the music file when the timer is over.
WTF Tip : Double check your speakers that they are ON.
WTF Tip 2 : Don't kick and turn off your system while sleeping.
Thanks for reading.